User profile: programming girl

User info
User name:programming girl
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Airline Reservation System (argc/argv and parsing data)
Having trouble with argc/argv and parsing the data in my "void GetFlightData" function. Any help app...

Airline Reservation System
Having trouble writing the delete function. Comments explain what I'd like to do. Any help would be ...

Airline Reservation System
Okay. So this worked. Now my problem is that my input file has the following format: DL1234 50 DL21...

Airline Reservation System
Haven't tested it yet, but how about this? See any errors/flaws? [code] #include <iostream> #includ...

Airline Reservation System
Thank you. That helped a little, but how would I prompt the user to enter a file name, then have tha...