User: pork95

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User profile: pork95

User info
User name:pork95
Old user name:varnica
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

string calculator
thank you very much!

string calculator
i need to write a calc, can someone tell me how to check for braces and calc between? and few more ...

C++ Matrix, can Popeye get to Olive
[output] bool safe(char A[M][N], int p1, int p2) { if (p1 >= 0 && p1 < M && p2 >= 0 && p2 < N && A[...

C++ Matrix, can Popeye get to Olive
I'm stuck and I need help for this path function ( and other functions :D ) :) [output] #include <...

C++ Matrix, can Popeye get to Olive
There is char matrix A with M rows and N colums. Elements of that matrix are "#"(walls) and "."(road...

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