User: philhippus

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User profile: philhippus

User info
User name:philhippus
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

linked list pointer understanding!
This had been bugging me for days. Thanks for the explanation. Makes perfect sense now.

linked list pointer understanding!
Thanks for the rapid reply! How is it that a dereference operator is not used in this case? e.g. ...

linked list pointer understanding!
This is fairly elementary, but I am not getting it: [code] class slist { slist() : h(nullptr){}...

Winsock2.0 VC++2010 issue
Finally got rid of the squiggles by doing this: pHent = (hostent*)gethostbyname(servername); a con...

Winsock2.0 VC++2010 issue
Thanks your reply was helpful and the getaddrinfo() issue is resolved. Still not sure about the sq...

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