User: pavanetti

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User profile: pavanetti

User info
User name:pavanetti
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Implementing a interface(abstract class) in DLL
Sorry.What I want is something like a plugin system. I have an abstract base class that defines the ...

Implementing a interface in a dynamic library so
I want to implement a class that inherits from an interface in a unix-so or in a win -dll. Can I do...

Implementing a interface(abstract class) in DLL
I want to implement a class that inherits from an interface in a win-dll or unix-so. Can I do this?...

real-time vedio programming
There is a framework for processing images that is very good. It's called OpenCV. http://thepirateba...

C++0x doubts: RValues and Move semantics
thanks, Bazzy. I did not think the specialization of templates to separate each element of variadic....

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