User: palaksha

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User profile: palaksha

User info
User name:palaksha
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

passing data between vc6 and VC++ 2011
thank you for your quick reply, i need to pass large number of strings from my vc 6 application to ...

passing data between vc6 and VC++ 2011
Hi, I have an (large)application that is developed in vc 6, now i need to pass some data from t...

VC++ 2008 and Ultragrid 2.0
thank you, I want to reframe my question now. I have an application(Earlier it was implemented...

VC++ 2008 and Ultragrid 2.0
Hai, We have a VC++ application [Acrobat plug-in] where we are using Ultragrid 2.0(a third p...

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