User: ozgungor

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User profile: ozgungor

User info
User name:ozgungor
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

adress problem
"If you want to get the distance in bytes, you need to cast the pointers to void * before doing the ...

adress problem
Unfortunately I dont understand. Basicly I am subtacting 2 consecutive addresses , and I know the di...

adress problem
int ar[]={3,2,4}; printf("%d",&ar[1]-&ar[0]); it gave 1 , but I was expecting 4.Because the ...

unknown funtion problem
I wrote 2 different source files.When I compile the code compiler gave an error message "conflicting...

Manual malloc
I tried to code malloc function manually but it didn't work.Suppose I want to allocate 3 int (means ...

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