User: owainesau

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User profile: owainesau

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User name:owainesau
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Cannot Allocate an Array of Size 0 & illegal operation on bound member function expression
Ahh ok, its working well now after i changed it to: if (stocks[i]->bookFormat == 'a') Thanks alot...

Cannot Allocate an Array of Size 0 & illegal operation on bound member function expression
Thanks that removed the illegal operation error, but the if statement is still giving me the same er...

Cannot Allocate an Array of Size 0 & illegal operation on bound member function expression
Hi; Im new to C++ and im having issues with an embedded if statement on an array of pointers to o...

<cctype> isdigit() not producing expected result
Hi; I'm going through Primer Plus 6th Edition and had an issue with one of the exercises, the que...

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