User: oladaniel

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User profile: oladaniel

User info
User name:oladaniel
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Recommend a book on Windows API programming
thanks Grey and yetanothertom.

Recommend a book on Windows API programming
Could anyone please recommend a good book on Windows application development, specifically on the wi...

c++ std::string to LPCWSTR
Thank you both, As advised I used std::wstring instead of std::string and then put mywstring.c_s...

c++ std::string to LPCWSTR
Now it complies without any errors however when I attempt to run the program, it crashes and when I ...

c++ std::string to LPCWSTR
Hi, I am using the function SetDlgItemTextW() which takes LPCWSTR as the third parameter, in a C+...

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