User: odracir123

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User profile: odracir123

User info
User name:odracir123
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Scope of function pointers
aquaz, I understand global variables should be avoided (and I do avoid them). This specific implemen...

Scope of function pointers
I have declared a function inside my Main.cpp and passed a pointer to the function to an object decl...

Multi-layer menu design issues
Hi guys, thanks for all the feedback it has been really useful. xerzi was right in saying I am doing...

Using vector and class?
Inside your switch, case 1 and 3, you are declaring a new Sphere each time. When the switch statemen...

Multi-layer menu design issues
Yeah, I realise I should design then develop. Sorry if I'm not very clear at explaining it. clanmjc,...

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