User: ocpodariu

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User profile: ocpodariu

User info
User name:ocpodariu
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Switch in a loop
I got it. I really appreciate your help. Again, thank you very much.

Switch in a loop
@Daleth The default didn't work.. @toum It works. Thanks a lot. If it's ok, can you please explain ...

Switch in a loop
Hi. I have the following problem: if i use the "switch" in a loop like "do-while" i cannot see any ...

[HELP] Pointer to a class
I did a similar thing: [code]int main() { example *p; p=new example; p->add(10,15); p->show(); del...

[HELP] Pointer to a class
Hi. I am having trouble using a pointer to a class. When i run this example i get an error message:...

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