User: nova

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User profile: nova

User info
User name:nova
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

need help! math problem cant get values to sum
So i have decided that the operation "do" should be the best. I have the program set up right i hop...

need help! math problem cant get values to sum
I would just like to say thanks JLBorges, My assignment is behaving properly now thanks to you. but...

need help! math problem cant get values to sum
appreciate the help, makes sense to pull it out so they are included in everything. with the code as...

need help! math problem cant get values to sum
figured it out sorry 3hrs of sleep in the last 3 days so im pretty much useles

need help! math problem cant get values to sum
as far as the extra bracket im not sure think i just got carried away. i feel i can get away with ...

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