User: nossrannug

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User profile: nossrannug

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User name:nossrannug
Number of posts:6
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recursive binary search
try this: middle is first+last/2. and you need to increase by one or reduce by one somewhere else. ...

Default not working in switch statement!!
how does it make an infinite loop? did you change break; to return; in the cases?

Default not working in switch statement!!
Could try this: [code]void choice1 (int &pStrength, int &bStrength, double &milkMoney) { ch...

overloading operator -
Found out what the problem was. The teacher wrote tha main.cpp file, but the text was in a pdf file...

overloading operator -
Yeah, i couldnt see the problem with it. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 professional, maby thats the ...

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