User: nistor

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User profile: nistor

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User name:nistor
Number of posts:7
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help me
[code]class object { public: virtual ~object() = 0; }; inline object::~object() {} class stac...

did i get this straight?
Thank you for the insight. Anyone else about what's out there? Thank you.

did i get this straight?
I'm goin to write after // what the fuction does in my opionion..please correct me and my apologies...

sruct node { int val; node* next; node() {val = 0; next = 0;} node(int v, node* n = 0) { val = v; ne...

can some1 explain the following?
template<class T> class Stack { struct Link { T* data; Link* next; Link(T* dat, Link* nxt): d...

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