User: ngeisler

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User profile: ngeisler

User info
User name:ngeisler
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Struggling with dynamically allocating an array within a class
Thanks! I appreciate the help, I've got it at least running. Now my problem is getting my error mess...

Struggling with dynamically allocating an array within a class
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class Student __cdecl A(void)" (?A@@YA?AVStudent@@XZ) ref...

Struggling with dynamically allocating an array within a class
I am attempting to create three different students using three different constructors and getting a ...

calling a function that holds struct arrays
Thank you very much! I knew it would end up being something simple like that. I'm still somewhat new...

calling a function that holds struct arrays
In this program I am attempting to allow a user to input three different authors and then input thre...

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