User: needhelpplease

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User profile: needhelpplease

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User name:needhelpplease
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

I have to write a code that has a user guess the random number generated. Then it is suppose to ask ...

Problems with a while loop
I knew it was gonna be something simply that I just wasn't seeing because I have been staring at it ...

Problems with a while loop
So this code is suppose to print out the results of 0*1, 1*2, 2*3, 3*4, 4*5, 5*6, 6*7, 7*8, 8*9, and...

Sorting integers from lowest to highest
Thank you everyone. Its at these moments that I hate this course. Something so simple, once its expl...

Sorting integers from lowest to highest
I probably should have mentioned the assignment does say "I can't use any type of array".

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