User profile: n0thing17

User info
User name:n0thing17
Joined:Jun 4, 2016 at 1:31pm
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Scaling the Window down (window.h)
I have no words to describe how sad i am. I let you guys down and i have abandoned the project (not ...

Scaling the Window down (window.h)
Alright, my dream is to get a window that scales with all the windows resolutions with one button th...

Scaling the Window down (window.h)
I really don't know what to say... I feel like you said more than enought but at the same time i fee...

Scaling the Window down (window.h)
@freddie1, i took a look at

Scaling the Window down (window.h)
Hello there, i have a program with 5 buttons: Abyssal Scepter -> Writes something into ChampionName...