New to virtual methodsThank you for pointing out that my base class Speak() method was not const. I corrected that in my ...
New to virtual methodsI am working through Sam's Teach Yourself C++ For Linux In 21 Days. Yes, it's an OLD book (Copyrigh...
No function defined in class, but it's there!Nevermind. I got it. I moved the definition of getCurrentSprite from ally.cpp to ally.h and it wor...
No function defined in class, but it's there! [code] michael@caitlyn current-ourrpg $ make && ./battle g++ -c -o ally.o ally.cpp ally.cp...
incompatible types in assignment of ‘Enemy*’ to ‘Enemy* [0]At least it builds now. I changed the enemies declaration in enemyparty.h to Enemy** enemies. myEn...