User profile: mpruisu

User info
User name:mpruisu
Location:My own Galaxy
Bio:Im trying to make my own way around the world teaching noobs how cheating can be turn against them...
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Program has cintax problems but I dont know what they are.
you forgot to add a } at line 13, also in the MAIN function you "reproduced" the ap string of line 5...

Compiler Error - expected primary-expression before ...
[quote=Duoas] Start here: Good luck! [/quote]...

Printing Denomination to User
First, When working with money instead of using [b]int[/b] you use [b]float[/b] so it can give you t...

Stuck on while loop paramaters
Hmm..... but still he needed to srand or the randomizing will give the same number over and over aga...

accessing functions from other objects
Well if you want a bit of refresh on classes you can go to: