User: mofosho

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User profile: mofosho

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User name:mofosho
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Calculate the average of a group of test scores, where the lowest score in the group is dropped
Okay, so I think your teacher probably confused you about functions because you should only call fun...

cin being annoying
Before return 0 or whatever your last line of code is that's going to be executed you put cin.get() ...

Greatest to Smallest Numbers
It seems silly your teacher doesn't want you to use loops because it just lengthens the code. Quite ...

cin being annoying
cin.get() doesn't need to be implemented. I'd have to see more than that portion of the program thou...

I'm trying to understand implemtation of a sparse array(1D and 2D)?
Try just searching on google "sparse array c++" or something similar. Try to ask a more specific que...

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