User: mnutsch

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User profile: mnutsch

User info
User name:mnutsch
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Problem Converting Char Array to String When Using Microsoft Speech SDK
That fixed it! Thanks for your help guestgulkan.

Problem Converting Char Array to String When Using Microsoft Speech SDK
I am learning to use the Microsoft Speach SDK 5.1 (SAPI). I want to use the dictate feature of SAPI ...

Problem Sorting a Really Long Array
[quote]You could have solved this hours ago if you had researched the terms I dropped earlier.[/quot...

Problem Sorting a Really Long Array
I'm not really sure what CLR is. I am using a Console Application template. I initially stayed aw...

Problem Sorting a Really Long Array
[quote]How did you write it and what sort of error was it?[/quote] Here is the code that I used. ...

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