User: mlaspina519

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User profile: mlaspina519

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User name:mlaspina519
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Trying to use getter functions as parameters...
It is very hard to read your code how you have it written. I assume you copy pasted it from whatever...

When to #include .h vs .cpp
I am having trouble understanding why some of my programs do not work. From what I understand, .h fi...

How to iterate through a list within an object
I was forgetting the :: in there, whoops. After adding that and #include <string> it seems to be wo...

How to iterate through a list within an object
JLBorges, that first bit about the const_iterator makes sense, thank you. It was not explained very ...

How to iterate through a list within an object
I am having trouble trying to write a function that takes in an object, and iterates through the lis...

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