User profile: merlin11188

User info
User name:merlin11188
Bio:I'm excellent at Lua, although I have no experience editing the C API.
I'm extremely adept at learning languages quickly and efficiently.
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

How do I know what to write
I find that the best way to start learning a language is to play with the coding and see what happen...

Dynamically changing array size?
Huh. This code compiles and runs perfectly: [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main...

Dynamically changing array size?
Alright. [quote]Any particular reason? ;)[/quote] Not really. I think it has to do with not understa...

Dynamically changing array size?
I prefer to include as few headers as I can, and when dynamically allocating memory, is there a way ...