User: mc1982

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User profile: mc1982

User info
User name:mc1982
Number of posts:16
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Access gui components of 3rd party app
Hi, I made a small application named myprog with a text box and a button, when your press the but...

Error, Type name expected in bcb 2007
Yes i would agree but i actually use it to minus distances since im moving things around in 3D space...

Error, Type name expected in bcb 2007
I think i have solved my issue, for some reason the order which i added them to my project made a di...

Error, Type name expected in bcb 2007
Unfortunately i cannot, vertex.cpp is 2873 lines. I have removed Triangle from the project and it co...

Error, Type name expected in bcb 2007
I also want to add that when i compile point and triangle classes they build successfully, when i bu...

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