User: maxmac

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User profile: maxmac

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User name:maxmac
Number of posts:9
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double greater than
The IF condition has to compare J and I separately and I and K. So if you change it to. [code] int...

Roman Numeral output Program -- Need Hint
I have just tried it the way you have suggested and it works very well, i can see my way was a lot m...

Roman Numeral output Program -- Need Hint
Sorry I didn't understand that you meant that i should try working out the numerals differently. I w...

Roman Numeral output Program -- Need Hint
Yes i would love to have this as my design and have the user input a number and convert it to a roma...

Roman Numeral output Program -- Need Hint
Have got closer to finishing the project but hit another problem i can get the correct roman numeral...

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