User: madman

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User profile: madman

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User name:madman
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

How do I pass a delegate to a constructor
I think I'm halfway there. Progress is like continuously going halfway to the end - you get closer a...

How do I pass a delegate to a constructor
ah! ok! CLI not C++ Anyway, Computergeek01 is correct in assuming I want to pass a pointer to a func...

How do I pass a delegate to a constructor
No, in Visual C++ a delegate is similar to a function pointer in standard C++. From what I've read a...

How do I pass a delegate to a constructor
I searched for answers to this but can not find enough detail. Be patient, I'm a beginner using Visu...

How do I pass a delegate to a constructor
Sorry, my mistake. I will post to C++/CLI. Any way to delete this one?

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