User: macXnXcheese117

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User profile: macXnXcheese117

User info
User name:macXnXcheese117
Old user name:ccraft2
Joined:Feb 14, 2018 at 4:14pm
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Function to convert lowercase s to uppercase in string(without #<algorithm>)
So I need to write a function to convert all lowercase character s's to uppercase and leave all othe...

Scan function
My main is below, I have gotten this far but do not know how to implement funciton scan0. In my dire...

Decompress Function.
Wow, helpful to see it that way. Thanks.

Decompress Function.
I am not anymore. It was selfish and stupid. Apologies kbw.

This is not directly related to C++ but since it is in lounge I figured this the best place to do th...

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