User profile: lynzoid

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User name:lynzoid
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

(C++) Djikstra's algorithm not getting the correct nodes
Actually, it might be working and i'm just stupid.

(C++) Djikstra's algorithm not getting the correct nodes
I guess that makes sense but try 2 to 20, it won't work correctly and I don't understand why

(C++) Djikstra's algorithm not getting the correct nodes
[code]void dji(double map[50][50], int startNode,int endNode,int maxNodes) { int Intersections[maxN...

(C++) Djikstra's algorithm not getting the correct nodes
What would you change to get a working dijkstra's algorithm? Cause even when I change it to work for...

(C++) Djikstra's algorithm not getting the correct nodes
I'm programming Djikstra's algorithm in C++ and I'm getting the correct distances from the source no...