User profile: luiscovar

User info
User name:luiscovar
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Printing out a list of objects from a custom list class.
Got it to work. What I had to do was use [code] cout << list.currentItem().getFirstName(); [/code] ...

Printing out a list of objects from a custom list class.
I am having trouble figuring out how I print a list of objects from my custom list class. My List cl...

Having trouble finding the correct average
Your code is right but your logic is wrong in calculating the overtime hours. Line 45 should be [c...

Deleting from middle of linked list
Thank you CodeBlob for taking your time to give a small but useful quick lesson on pointers. I appre...

Deleting from middle of linked list
I updated the OP with the function implementation. I see why having the find function return the ind...