User: luckyvictor

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User profile: luckyvictor

User info
User name:luckyvictor
Number of posts:23
Latest posts:

The most efficient way to find a string in a text file
however, when I have to do my string search, those Check_xyz, I still have to go through it line by ...

The most efficient way to find a string in a text file
How to load it in one go please??

The most efficient way to find a string in a text file
I don have the source code at the moment, so I can't copy and paste, but the core code is: bool Che...

Read a particular line in a text file
You are quite right, I think I can decide the maximum buffer I need to store some lines temporary!! ...

The most efficient way to find a string in a text file
Hi All I just create a little program for myself to do some tedious work, finding a particular st...

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