User profile: leo255

User info
User name:leo255
Joined:Jun 19, 2013 at 5:14am
Number of posts:139
Latest posts:

Question about Preparation for Job Interviews
Hello, I just passed my thesis defense (for my Masters in Computer Science) last Wednesday...Pret...

Picking a topic for a Thesis/Project
I was thinking about public vs private cloud. I could do calculations on when it is beneficial to mo...

Picking a topic for a Thesis/Project
Hi all, I'm a Software Engineering masters student in my second year. First year was pre-req's an...

Picking a web framework - NodeJS vs Django vs Rails
Very helpful, thanks guys. I think I'm going to learn Django - Besides C, C++, C# and Java, I kind o...

Picking a web framework - NodeJS vs Django vs Rails
Hi guys, Was wanting to start learning a web framework while I'm in school, and I'm trying to fig...