User: krell

  • Public profile

User profile: krell

User info
User name:krell
Bio:i like Gothic clothing and openly gay and I don't really act like I'm gay so ya wouldn't know it at all but hang around long enough you might see me do something flamboyant also found out i have spine disease sucks and got to go into the drs to get more done on my brain as they can see is lesions in the brain so id like to make a suit for me to use when a part of my body stops working or is giving me pain also got question that i don't remember
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

so whats stronger than plexeiy glass
got anyway of knowing what that other one is called that i would need 1/4th thickness or was that 1/...

so whats stronger than plexeiy glass
just want to make a window like a mech warrior has kind of like the raven but with four legs and and...

need help?
i need someone who can help make a sketch i have some drawings they do get to a point but i can't se...

so whats stronger than plexeiy glass
needs to be see through so i don't have to rely on camera only vision needs to be construction cab...

so whats stronger than plexeiy glass
can anyone help me out here I'm trying to build a robot here but moneys is very little i'm lucky to ...

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