User: kondi97

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User profile: kondi97

User info
User name:kondi97
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

i need help with my program
i need to create c++class to store temperature. class should store temperature(magnitude) and scale ...

homework problem
i need to create c++class to store temperature. class should store temperature(magnitude) and scale ...

i need help with my c++ <cmath> program
ok now everything is correct thank you so much do you think i need to add something to it or my prog...

i need help with my c++ <cmath> program
alright got it fixed but still one error shooting_guy.cpp:32: error: `5.0e-1' cannot be used as a f...

i need help with my c++ <cmath> program
ok got it fixed but what about these shooting_guy.cpp:32: error: `5.0e-1' cannot be used as a funct...

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