User: kloten

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User profile: kloten

User info
User name:kloten
Bio:Hi my name is Kloten. More or less useless at C++ but im trying to learn. On here to gain help from experienced users to aid my learning.
Number of posts:5
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How to read in a text file character by chararcter??
Hi shredded, blimey you done it. im not sure i understand some of it though, could i highlight some ...

How to read in a text file character by chararcter??
Hi shredded, i found out today in a lab session that the cipher needs to be done by usng an array an...

How to read in a text file character by chararcter??
Thank that did the trick. Now my assignment wants me to 'Your program should now ask the user for th...

How to read in a text file character by chararcter??
thank you very much, that seems to have done the trick apart from when i print the sentence at the e...

How to read in a text file character by chararcter??
I have an assignment which requires me to read iin a text file character by character. I have manage...

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