User: kingis

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User profile: kingis

User info
User name:kingis
Number of posts:6
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how to display many picture in 1 dialog
This is a partially of my code. [code] void CTest::OnRadioDirection(UINT nID) { switch(nID)...

how to display many picture in 1 dialog
no body know the solution?oh my god.x.x i thought this simple? sorry i;m new in mfc..

how to display many picture in 1 dialog
Hi, In my dialog, i have 4 picture control to display the picture 1 -> picture 4 4 radio button to...

SetSel problem in dialog
Hi, In my program i got a few edit control box in my dialog. I want when the user click on each edi...

array problem... can work ed.. need this statement double* y = new double[temp];

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