User: kim366

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User profile: kim366

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User name:kim366
Number of posts:9
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How do I get the C++ 17 Headers
Ah! [code]std::experimental::optional<unsigned int> value;[/code]

How do I get the C++ 17 Headers
Nooo! error: 'optional' is not a member of 'std' std::optional<unsigned int> value; from [code]st...

How do I get the C++ 17 Headers
keskiverto Thank you so much. Could have probably found that out myself...

How do I get the C++ 17 Headers
With 5.3 I get the same: fatal error: optional: No such file or directory

How do I get the C++ 17 Headers
So what should I do, when I want to use [code]std::optional[/code]? Shouldn't -std=c++1z be enough?

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