User profile: kbarrett

User info
User name:kbarrett
Bio:I started programming on an IBM mainframe back in about 1980.. doing work on a CAD system called ASI PRANCE. Until that time I was a PCB designer, but during training I found that I really found something that interested me.

I moved from the mainframe environment to UNIX of VAX's back in the mid 80's - good old BSD 2.0. I went back to school to first study UNIX programming the Pascal ... then on to C, C++, and advanced data structures.

Eventually I took work at Cisco Systems, where I designed - created their manufacturing output program for PCB's. That was written entirely in PERL (which is my first love).

I retired 3 years ago and promptly got bored. Since I never finished my major I thought I'd go and do that. Unfortunately it had been too long for any of my previous college credits to transfer, so I find myself repeating classes. This isn't a bad thing - it's been a long time since I did C++ (~ 1993), so it's a good review.
Number of posts:13
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book list
Thanks!! it has been long enough since I wrote that that I had forgotten all about it. Finally out ...

dont understand can someone work this one out so i can understand due tonite
Maybe it's just me missing something.. but I don't see your constructor. Constructors have the same ...

book list
[quote]Read the Petzold then the Richter. And MSDN.[/quote] Can someone provide specific titles f...

single colin ":" operator name?
but what is the NAME used when I talk about the single colin?[code][/code]

single colin ":" operator name?
Hopefully an easy question. boxType::boxType(double l, double w, double h) : rectangleT...