User: karvoyno

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User profile: karvoyno

User info
User name:karvoyno
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Flex lexical analyzer and bison in Visual Studio
Hello, i want to install the Flex lexical analyzer and Bison (or yacc syntactic analazyer) to Visual...

execute allegro program
Hello, I have created an allegro game and i want to give the executable to a friend to play the ga...

how to pass data betwwen two programs
you can look and shared memory idea from IPC ... google "shared memory example". It is not difficult

stl map access problem..
i think i found the solution.. Thanx everyone that helped guys.. The problem was that the lists wa...

stl map access problem..
I insert the elements in the map - lists with another function which reads a file and takes the elem...

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