User: kai356

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User profile: kai356

User info
User name:kai356
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

need help with my c++ hw, using fstreams
[output]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream theFile(...

need help with my c++ hw, using fstreams
that website just gives me an overview of fstream, but it didn't really help on what i need...

need help with my c++ hw, using fstreams
so i'm new with this fstream thing basically i have to get my c++ to use a the following numbers fro...

need help with my c++ hw, if else statements
actually i lied, i got it now. THANK YOU SO MUCH JIM!

need help with my c++ hw, if else statements
so basically my if and else statement isn't working for me. when i try to put in "us" when it ask fo...

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