User: judas97

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User profile: judas97

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User name:judas97
Number of posts:7
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Problem catching numpad keystrokes
Thank you kbw this is what i come up with [code]while (GetMessage (&messages, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) ...

Problem catching numpad keystrokes
Hello Im wanting to use my numpad as direction north,east,south,west ect and have all other alpha/n...

map of object pointers
Thanks roshi for the explanation and links also for the debugging techniques you used (very helpful)...

map of object pointers
Hello Disch thanks for your help Is this the correct way to log with the copy ctor [code]Room_...

map of object pointers
Hello Why does this code call the conctructor and destructor twice? im know stl::map creates a co...

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