User: jphilippon

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User profile: jphilippon

User info
User name:jphilippon
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Problem with creating a "menu".
Thanks plexus! I figured that typo out shortly after. :P The problem now is, once I leave menu 1, I...

Problem with creating a "menu".
I (think I) followed what you gave me, Smac89, but I get an error at the if statement in "menu 1". I...

Problem with creating a "menu".
Smac: so menu 1 is the base? Since you're allowing it to return 0 and end the program? Why does the ...

Problem with creating a "menu".
No one? :-(

Problem with creating a "menu".
I ran out of room due to my cheesy border and such. I apologize in advance if my method is awful, t...

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