User: josecolella

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User profile: josecolella

User info
User name:josecolella
Name:Jose Miguel Colella
Location:Granada, Spain
Bio:I am new to the C++ programming language and I'm here to learn
Number of posts:7
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Why it prints 2 times?
No it's portuguese

[code] #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Permutacion{ ...

maximum in its row and minimum of its column at the same time.
if there are any element that is maximum in its row and the minimum of the column at the same time....

the function is supposed to tell me this: 9 1 2 5 6 7 3 4 8 9 The result is two.

[code] int Get_per(){ cout << per << endl; }; [/code] This function ...

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