User: jorijo

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User profile: jorijo

User info
User name:jorijo
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Hi! I have one base class Veiculo with two derived classes Veiculo_frigorifico and Veiculo_lona. ...

Store objec to vector in another class
I create the object [i]Inicia[/i] in main function and have there a vector<frete> fretes and I want ...

How to arrange data in multiple class project
My project consists in registering invoices of transportation made by trucks. I have two users cl...

How to arrange data in multiple class project
Hi! I'm new to C++ and developing a project but I´m confused when deciding to place vectors/list...

Class hierarchy
I had a syntax error but now it's fixed... PS. didnt post the code because it was too long... tha...

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