User profile: jonibygg

User info
User name:jonibygg
Name:Johan Nilsson
Location:Varberg, Sweden
Bio:Born 1966
Work as a salesman and projectleader at a softwarecompany named Consultec.

Study c++ for fun
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

cin.ignore and cin.get
Do you need to scare me like that... ;-) Best of luck to you to!

cin.ignore and cin.get
Yes, that's my plan if I work this first course out. I study in 25% speed so my weekends are all abo...

cin.ignore and cin.get
Thank you! The course is at high school-level. I tried cin.ignore() without any parameters and ...

cin.ignore and cin.get
I'm 44 years old so I study most for fun, but it is a real education i'm doing on distance. I have a...

cin.ignore and cin.get
I'll try to learn to wrap my code right, hope I did it right now. And like Browni say I thought that...