User profile: jonasirgreta

User info
User name:jonasirgreta
Name:Mindaugas Butkus
Bio:Hello. I am a programmer, working with c++. I've only been doing it for 1 years, thus, I don't have a lot of experience in progamming, yet. I registered so that I could help people solve their problems, as well as people help me solve my problems.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Apr 26, 1986
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

GetPixel returns incorrect values
No, still doesn't work neither on VisualStudio, nor on CodeBlocks, though it is nice to see RBG valu...

GetPixel returns incorrect values
Thanks ahcfan, I will add ReleaseDC to the loop, don't want any memory leaks. But this is not a solu...

GetPixel returns incorrect values
No, no. I use it to refresh the screen to get same or new values at that location.

GetPixel returns incorrect values
Hello everyone. This is my first post on this forum, please don't go hard on me if I didn't post...