User profile: johnny80

User info
User name:johnny80
Name:Juan Flores
Location:Chula Vista
Bio:contact through msn messenger:

Statistical data
Birthdate:Sep 10, 1980
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Order Status, Can't figure out what is wrong with code.
I Need help on the following. I am almost done, but can't quite figure out what is wrong with my cod...

How to divide Double?
Thank you very much. I used your code and it works like a charm. I had tried this before, but I was ...

How to divide Double?
Here is the whole code: [output]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std...

How to divide Double?
I tried your suggestion and it works. I no longer get any errors. I think however that it is cal...

How to divide Double?
I am doing this code: double getArea()//this is for a rectangle. { double area; area = getL...