User: jerommal

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User profile: jerommal

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User name:jerommal
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

getline(cin, ) stops code
I'm trying to get the following functions to work where it prompts the user for a string, checks w...

How to not accept letters after numbers for an int?
Basically I'm trying to make error messages for invalid cin inputs, but I'm finding that when I put ...

Need help finding a probability error in a plinko simulator.
Code continued: [code] if (selection == 2) //If 2 selected, run multiple chip drop simulator. ...

Need help finding a probability error in a plinko simulator.
[code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> //I had a recommendation I use srand(...

Need help finding a probability error in a plinko simulator.
I'm doing an assignment for my intro class about a Plinko game, simulating possible outcomes. For t...

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