User: jeffg64

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User profile: jeffg64

User info
User name:jeffg64
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

code skips second cin command
Sorry, forgot to mention that i'm using the 2013 version. not sure if that is an issue, but no matte...

code skips second cin command
after line 14, the program just ends. It only happens with the exe file and visual studios but not o...

why do i get letters when multiplying numbers?
Not sure why you're being rude... But LB's solution worked. Thanks for your attempt to help though.

why do i get letters when multiplying numbers?
it's two different questions though.

why do i get letters when multiplying numbers?
like so? [code] char binary[5]; double decimal; int dec0, dec1, dec2, dec3; cout << "Enter a 4 d...

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