User: jectwe

  • Public profile

User profile: jectwe

User info
User name:jectwe
Bio:Ricky Casino is a freelance writer and aspiring novelist. Originally from Long Island, New York, he now resides in Tampa, Florida with his wife and two children. Ricky has been writing for over fifteen years and has had his work published in various online and print publications. When not spending time with his family or writing, Ricky enjoys reading, playing video games, and watching sports. Ricky Casino is a freelance writer and aspiring novelist. Originally from Long Island, New York, he now resides in Tampa, Florida with his wife and two children. Ricky has been writing for over fifteen years and has had his work published in various online and print publications. When not spending time with his family or writing, Ricky enjoys reading, playing video games, and watching sports.
Joined:Apr 25, 2022 at 9:51pm

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