User: jb2918

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User profile: jb2918

User info
User name:jb2918
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

need help why i can copy word for word instructors code and his runs, and mine wont
You are awesome! thank you! nothing worse than not being able to move on to another lesson. @Thomas1...

need help why i can copy word for word instructors code and his runs, and mine wont
I mean I understand the lesson at a basic level for what he is trying to explain, and how basic clas...

need help why i can copy word for word instructors code and his runs, and mine wont
copied word for word from online video instruction and i have this problem all the time it wont run,...

Why is this not returning recT ?
lol thanks, im taking a class and the online course moves so fast

declaration is incompatible with "std::string getDay(<error-type> d)" error help
when i introduce getDay at top it says : declaration is incompatible with "std::string getDay(<error...

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