User: jb03

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User profile: jb03

User info
User name:jb03
Old user name:jonellb
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

I Need Help with the Display Function!
Thanks for telling me about the while loop problem. It feels super small but it makes so much differ...

I Need Help with the Display Function!
I am trying to read files then display them on the Display function. Can anyone please tell me what ...

Can anyone tell me why this is wrong?
YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!!! It works! Thank you so much! I did not see that.

Can anyone tell me why this is wrong?
Sorry, I can't seem to find what is wrong with: [code] for (int iDNA = 0; i < 10; iDNA++) [/code] ...

Can anyone tell me why this is wrong?
There should be 10 indexes for userDNA[] as well as numRelati ves. This is the other functions: *...

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